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Mobile Paintless Dent Repair, Hail Damage Repair & Ding Repair in Raleigh NC

We professionally remove your vehicle’s dents, dings & hail damage without painting!

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Dent Baron specializes in mobile paintless dent repair, ding removal and hail damage repair for all vehicle makes, models and years.

We provide prompt, professional mobile dent repair and removal within a 70-mile radius of Raleigh, NC. IF your vehicle sustains damage from hail, grocery cart or you get “dinged” in the parking lot, call Dent Baron at (919) 889-0069 or send us a FREE Quote Request for mobile Paintless Dent Removal service.

What is Paintless Dent Repair & Removal (PDR)?

The factory paint on your vehicle is baked at a high temperature to cure the clear coat and is the best paint coat. This process cannot be duplicated in a body shop. Paintless Dent Repair and Removal is a superior, time-saving and less-expensive process of removing minor to complex dents without affecting the factory paint finish. The dent is worked from the back and front of the panel through the use of specialized tools. With the right amount of pressure applied at the right points, the damaged area is massaged back to its original state.

Mobile Dent Repair Service, Done On Site!

We know you’re busy, that’s why we will come to you! Most of our car dent and ding repairs are finished within just 2 hours. No more leaving your car for days at the repair shop. Dent Baron will get your car back to pre-loss condition in no time!

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